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Bouncing Ball

First I looked at a reference video of a person dropping different balls to watch to see how they bounced.

Then, I animated a sphere bouncing in a similar way. I made sure that I changed the scale of the ball to create a squash and stretch effect.

Screen Shot 2019-09-17 at 15.26.49.png

I used the graph editor to control how the ball moved between the different key frames. I made it so it got faster as it fell and got slower towards the top of the bounces.

Screen Shot 2019-09-17 at 15.32.51.png

First Animation

I created a second animation using the "Bloop Ultimate Ball Rig". This gave me more control over the squash and stretch. For the second animation, I added materials and lighting using Arnold.

Second Animation

Walking Flour Bag

I was provided with a 3D model of a flour bag that was rigged so I could animate it. I animated I walking. I also added a camera and a floor.

Screenshot 2019-10-01 at 14.26.27.png

Simple Hand Animation

First, I had to create a simple model of a hand and arm. I did this using cubes. I made sure that I moved the pivots and then clicked "Freeze Transformations".

Screenshot 2019-10-01 at 15.40.15.png

Then, I parented them so that the different parts of the arm will be attached with what they are next to and will move correctly.

Screenshot 2019-10-01 at 15.45.11.png

I animated the arm and hand opening and closing. I made sure that I move each part of it at different times to make it look smoother.

IK Animation

First, I downloaded an arm rig. This had two controls. It had a cross which was used to move the elbow. It also had a ring around the wrist which is used to move the hand. When I clicked the ring it had lots of controls to control the fingers.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.17.41.png

When I moved the the ring the hand would move and the arm would move with it. It would also bend the elbow.

I made it pick up a ball and throw it. I did this by making three balls and changed the visibility. One was before the had picked it up. The next was parented to the hand so it could move with it. The last one was moving after it was thrown.

IK Rigging

First, I downloaded a simple leg model which was made out of cubes.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.32.12.png

I then clicked on the rigging tab and click on the create joints tool. I created joints on the hip, knee, ankle and toe. I then duplicated it and moved it onto the other leg.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.34.17.png
Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.37.34.png

Next, clicked on the create IK handle tool. I click on the hip point and then clicked on the ankle joint. Then I created another for the foot by clicking on the ankle and clicking on the toe. I did the same for the other leg.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.41.11.png
Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.41.19.png

After that, created two circles and put them under the feet, These will be the controls.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.44.06.png

Then I created a cube for the waist. I also parented the hip joints to the cube.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.52.41.png
Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.52.35.png

Next, I parented the cubes to the correct joints.

Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.55.21.png
Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 15.55.30.png

Finally, I made and animation of it moving its legs and feet.

Character posing

First, I downloaded a character rig. This was called the ElevenRig_V1.2.

I then used this rig to create different poses. The first pose was him looking behind him and he was scared. For the second one, I edited the first one to make hime look angry. I also did the lighting and rendering using Arnold.


Finally, I created a short animation of him looking side to side. I also animated the camera so it moved with him. I added motion blur to make the movements look smoother.

I also created another animation of him walking.

I also created another animation of lifting weights. To connect his hands to the weights I added locators and the added constraints from the locators to the hand controllers.

Time Travel Animation

First, I went onto the 11-second club website to find what sound clip I wanted to use. I decided to use this one.

11SecClub_September_Competition.wav11 Second Club
00:00 / 00:14

Then, 3D modelled, textured and lit a futuristic-looking scene.


Next, I downloaded 2 character rigs. "CGTarian Ray" and "Mery V3.5"


After that, I animated them walking up to the door and then pressing a button to open it. I also animated the door opening.


Then, I animated the character talking. To do this I imported the sound clip into after effects. I then moved it to when I want him to talk. I also cut out the parts that I didn't want. After that, I imported it into Maya and animated the character to the sound clip.


Next, I animated them going into the time machine and the door shutting behind them. I also animated all of the camera movements.


I wanted them to go back in time. So I used the train station scene from the Digital Toolbox module last year. However, I changed the lighting and some of the materials.


I then animated the woman walking out of the door. I also animated the camera movements.


Finally, I added sound effects and edited the video in after effects.

Sound.wavAlex Charilaou
00:00 / 00:42

Final Animation

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