Parts of a Skull
First I looked a picture of a skull and I labeled all of the main parts. By doing this I learned that the shape of someone's skull is very important to what someone's face looks like. This is because all of the muscles attach to the skull to give the face the correct shape.
I then used the picture that I did before to lable all of the parts of the skull on a picture of a real person. This was harder than I thought it would be because everyone's skull is different. It is also hard to see the shape of it because of the muscles.
Making a Nose
First, I looked at reference pictures of different noses. This helped me understand how to make an nose. It also gave me ideas of what I wanted the nose to look like.
Next, I made the nose. I started by creating a dynamesh sphere. Then, I used the Standard brush to get the overall shape of the nose and nostrils. I used the Trimdynamic brush to create flat edges on the sides. I also used the Dam Standard brush to create little creases. Finally, I used the Move brush to make big changes to the proportions of the nose. I also used it to give extra definition to the bone on the top of the nose.
Final Renders
Sketchfab model
Making a Mouth
First I labelled all of the different parts of the mouth using photoshop this helped me understand how to make the mouth.
Next, I looked at reference pictures of different mouths. This also helped me understand how to make mouth. It also gave me ideas of what I wanted the mouth to look like.
After that, I made the mouth. I started by pulling out the mouth and chin using the Move brush. Then I used the Standard brush to create the rough shape it. I used the Dam Standard brush to create little details like the lips. I also used the smooth brush to smooth it out.
Final Renders
Sketchfab model
Making an Ear
First I labelled all of the different parts of the ear using photoshop this helped me understand how to make the ear.
Next, I looked at reference pictures of different ears. This also helped me understand how to make an ear. It also gave me ideas of what I wanted the ear to look like.
Then, I made the ear. I started by creating a dynamesh sphere. After that, I created a mask that was the rough shape of an ear and I used the standard brush to create the overall shape of it. Next, I used the Standard, Move, and Smooth brushes to create all of the detail. I used the standard brush to add/ remove parts of the mesh. I used the move brush to create big adjustments and I used the smooth brush to smooth it out.
Final Renders
Sketchfab model
Making an Eye
First I labelled all of the different parts of the eye using photoshop this helped me understand how to make the eye.
After that, I drew the main parts of the eye onto a picture of a skull. This helped me understand where the eye is according to the skull.
Next, I looked at reference pictures of different eyes. This also helped me understand how to make an eye. It also gave me ideas of what I wanted the eye to look like.
Then, I made the eye. I started by creating a dynamesh sphere. I used the standard brush to create a hole on it. I then added another sub tool which was another sphere. However, I made this one smaller because this was going to be the eyeball. Next, I used the Standard, Move, and Smooth brushes to create all of the detail. I used the standard brush to add/ remove parts of the mesh. I used the move brush to create big adjustments and I used the smooth brush to smooth it out. I also used the dam standard brush to create small detail. Finally, I used the Trim Dynamic brush to create a flat edge on the inside of the eyelids.
Final Render
Sketchfab model
Villain Project
For my villain I decided to make a viking. I chose to make a viking because I could add lots of detail (like scars). I will also need to add hair to it.
Fat Pads
First draft
I made the Viking using the same techniques as before. I also used my mood board to give me ideas. I made sure that I was thinking about the anatomy of the skull, muscles and fat. I started with a basic template of a man which was in lightbox. I then added all of the detail onto that. The main brushes I used were the standard brush, the move brush, the smooth brush, the trim
dynamic brush and the dam standard brush. I used the standard brush to and remove material from the mesh. I used the move brush to move the mesh into the correct shape. I used the trim dynamic brush to create flat planes on the different parts of the face. I used the dam standard brush to create small and sharp details. Finally, I used the smooth brush to smooth out parts of the mesh.
Next, I imported it into substance painter. To create the skin material I combined the presets that were built into substance painter. First, I added the "Skin Face" smart material. I then added all of the other skin materials for the and added a black mask to them. Next, I painted the different materials onto the correct parts of the face.
I did this because different parts of the face have different pores and some are more reflective than others. I also had to change the colour of the lips to make them slightly more red.
To texture the eyes I downloaded an image of the coloured part of the eye and added it to the correct part. To texture the white part I a set the colour to a slightly cream colour. I then added another material and added a black mask. I made the material red and painted it on using the "Cracks" brush.
I decide to add some scratches because he is a Viking and has just had a fight. I did this by adding a red material and then added a black mask. I then used the "Scratches 2" brush to add the scratches. I then changed the hight to make the cuts sink into the skin.
After that, I imported it into Maya and added a beard, eyebrows and eyelashes using xgen.
Finally, I did the lighting and rendered it using Arnold.
Sketchfab model
Final Sculpt
For the final sculpt I changed two things. The first things were that the ears were too high. So, I used the move brush to move them down.
The second thing that I changed was the beard. I made the beard thinner. I also added a coils modifier to make the beard a bit curly.
The third thing that I changed was I added a Viking helmet.
The fourth thing that changed was I used a HDRI instead of a physical sky. I did this because it gave it more even lighting. It also gave the helmet more reflections.
I also animated it using the Facial Animation Encoding system.
This is when you create lots of layers in Zbrush to move different parts of the face. For example, raising and lowering the eyebrows. Then you import it into Maya and you and animated it with sliders using blend shapes.
Final Video
Sketchfab model