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First, I imported an image into photoshop that I wanted to edit.

Chernobyl before.png

Next, I replaced the sky with a cloudy sky. I did this by using the quick selection brush and creating a mask. I also removed the wires going across using the spot healing brush. I then added a Hue/Saturation layer to make the sky match the rest of the image.

Then, I imported an image of a nuclear reactor and removed the sky. I also increased the brightness and saturation of it to match the rest of the image.


After that, I removed all of the people from the image using the clone stamp tool. I also used the spot healing brush.


Next, I imported an image of some fire and put it on top of the reactor. I then created a mask to remove the background of the image and then blended it using the screen blending mode. 


Then, I added some smoke above the fire using the same method as before but I set the blending mode to multiply instead of screen.


After that, I added some smoke to the rest of the image. I imported an image of smoke and set the blending mode to screen. I then duplicated it so I had three and created different masks so it appeared as if the smoke would get thicker the closer it got to the reactor.


Next, I duplicated the fire and flipped it vertically. Then, I turned down the opacity. This created a reflection of the fire on the ground.


Then, I imported two images of embers and set the blending mode to screen. I used one for the foreground and one for the fire.


Finally, I used Camera Raw to colour grade the image. I adjusted the colours to match the style of the Chernobyl TV Show. This gave it a blue/green.

Chernobyl 3.jpg

Final Image

Chernobyl 3.jpg
Chernobyl before.png

I then removed the lights from the shops because they were taking attention away from the fire. I also made the windows and some of the building darker.

Chernobyl 4.jpg

I also did a before and after image. To create the before image I had to remove the fire and most of the smoke. I also added in the people and the lights on the buildings again. I also made the colour grade less contrasted.

Chernobyl 2 Before.jpg

To do the after image I removed the fire and some of the smoke. I also added a man in a radiation suit and added a shadow and reflection for him. I also added radiation signs on the lamp post.

Chernobyl After.jpg


Chernobyl 2 Before.jpg


Chernobyl 4.jpg


Chernobyl After.jpg

Chernobyl 2025

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